A few months ago the students had a discussion in their families where they answered the question, loosely paraphrased, “Should you get married when you are younger or older?” Some of the points and arguments presented by the students:
1) If you get married when you are older you may not see your children get married. (In a country where the life expectancy is around 60 or less, this is a real possibility.)
2) The point of marriages is to have children, something difficult when you are older. The councilor pointed out that marriage is also about enjoying the company and life with your spouse.
3) If you cannot have children because you are older, then you should adopt orphans.
4) Not everyone likes babies, in general. For example, one of the students said, some of the volunteers from last year are reported to have no liked babies.
5) I told them I also did not really like babies. So the statement was later modified to “Some of the volunteers this year do not like babies.”
Speaking of babies: A little baby, barely walking, saw me in the sort of fancy-shmancy milk shop (upscale by rural Rwandan standards). He quickly hid behind his very tall mother so that he could not see me and I could not see him. His mother was slightly annoyed at this, so pushed him in front of her, forcing him, to his complete horror, to be exposed to my presence. He started screaming and crying. The shop keeper and his mother tried to comfort him, saying that I was “only a mazungu” and he had nothing to be afraid of. They offered him a mandazi (a donut) and some sweet tea to calm him, which he happily grabbed. He then looked at me, cried again, was offered another donut, which he happily munched on. He looked at me again and started crying again, then sort of looked at the donuts, hoping to score another sweet treat in between his bursts of tears. “The mazungu will eat you!” the shop keeper told the little toddler, warning him to stop crying and abusing the donut system.
I talked with one student who said that she did not want to get married. I asked some other students, in a separate conversation, if they wanted to get married, and they told that of course they wanted to get married – that everyone wanted to get married. The student who preferred to avoid marriage also did not want to have children but to take care of orphans and focus on her career. “Why do you not want to get married?” I asked. She said that men cheat on their wives, and potentially beat them, so she did not want to take a chance.
“Even if you found a man who is good?” I asked.
“I don’t want to take the chance,” she repeated.
I can’t remember if I wrote about this conversation already, but decided to post it, just in case I had not.
There is one milk place, shown in the bottom two photos on the left, that always sells milk for fifty francs (around 8 cents) less than the other places. The shop keeper recently told me that it was owned by the local health clinic co-op, with 60% of all profits going to the clinic, she being a paid employer who made around 20,000 francs (around $33) a month. This co-op status also, perhaps, explains the presence of a swanky photo-copier, popularly used before each school term to photocopy forms for school. It also boasts sardines and chapatti, something her neighbor can’t afford, and other products, as you can see. Sometimes, I get to much change, a mistake that shop-owners rarely make. The shop keeper studied accounting in secondary school, which seems to be what every shop owner or keeper studies in secondary school.
Across the street, pictured on the top left, is a shop owned by Console, a brave entrepreneur who took out a loan of 500,000 francs, around $830, to pay for initial costs, including the 25,000 franc fee for registering a new businesses and additional costs for new furniture, electricity, 4,000 francs-a-month taxes, and other expenses. The store really does look re-vamped compared to the previous owners, who were running it when I first arrived. The milk? Eh, it’s a bit to fizzy and bubbly. Like I’m drinking half air. The radio’s a nice touch. The previous owners had a television that was always broken, with various boys from the neighborhood always fiddling with it, desperate for it to be fixed, and never succeeding.
I asked her how she took out the loan – was this something people could easily do? Her brother, apparently, co-signed. That helped.
Two other teachers in the area, who told me to call them “Old Jean and Young Jean”, told me about loans they can take out from a special bank through which they receive their salaries as teachers. Their salaries, as primary school teachers, are around 30,000 francs a month ($50), and they can obtain loans at a 14% annual interest rate, with about a quarter of their salaries deducted each month, they say. Old Jean is not much older but seems to be more quiet, wise, and responsible, took out a loan to pay for some land that cost around the equivalent of $100. Young Jean also took out a loan, but just for general expenses. “What else do people use the loans for?” I asked. “Sometimes they take out a loan to invest in a business,” Old Jean said. “Other times,” Young Jean chimed in, “they just take out a loan to drink and relax.” I asked if they use it to pay for university fees. “Yes,” Old Jean responded, “That is a good investment, so sometimes they do that.” With secondary school teachers, who must have a BA, making over four times what primary school teachers make, it would, indeed, seem like a good investment.
I wonder if it’s worth it to take out a loan to start a Milk Shop, the local equivalent of Starbucks, with all almost identical. The shop owner who took out the loan for her shop told me her revenue is 50,000 francs and her profit 20,000 francs, the same as the salary of her risk-averse neighbor.
“Everyone takes credit,” the teachers told me. “Nobody really takes credit” the local who was translating the Milk Shop owner (on the top left) told me, saying she was an exception. I guess 500,000 francs was, perhaps, the exception - it is pretty steep for 20,000 francs profit. And 20,000 francs may be an exaggeration, as I was told by every Social Science professor I ever had that everybody exaggerates their salary. She seems happy and proud of her shop, though she has only been in business for a few months. I will drink to her success. And the success of her six competitors.
I walked past one of the students studying at one of the local schools in Rubona. Jean (name changed) was wearing a traditional Muslim prayer robe and his usual Kafia, stylishly tied around his neck. “I thought you said you were Christian!” I told him, recalling an earlier conversation I had had with him, where he explained that, as a boy, he had secretly read the bible and decided to be Christian. “I believe Jesus is our savior,” he answered, “but I still go to pray in the mosque.” On that particular day, Thursday evening, he was opting out of prayer to help tutor some other students in the school. I accompanied him in his walk to the school, and he explained that “It is like a secret. I cannot tell anyone that I believe in Jesus because then the Mufti will not let me into the mosque.” I asked if he was a practicing Muslim. “Do you fast during Ramadan?” I asked. “Yes. I cannot eat during the month of Ramadan. I go to pray in the mosque a few times a week.” Curious, I asked if there were others like him – practicing Muslims who believed in Jesus. Like Jews for Jesus without the nice ring of alliteration. “Yes, there are many of us.” He could not tell me exact numbers, but he said it was common for some practicing Muslims in Rwanda to also believe in Jesus. It seems that any statistics would be hard to come by, as this isn’t something they like to talk about.
Today I bumped into Jean’s classmate, Jospeh (name changed), a Seventh Day Adventist on the way to church. His classmates were back at the school, doing chores, including cultivating the school’s bit of land, a common free-day activity in Rwandan boarding schools (and also something we do at Agahozo-Shalom). On Sunday morning he and other Adventists will do farm work.
Praying is one of the reasons students can receive permission to leave the school. Though the age ranges between twenty and twenty-five, those who are paying for boarding cannot leave the limited vicinity of the school without permission from the headmaster. I was surprised that twenty-five-year-olds needed permission to leave a school, and asked why this rule was in place – or, rather, why the students thought it was in place. Two told me, “There are some kids who create problems, like drinking” so there was a general rule that none could leave without permission and a good reason, with church or the mosque being one of a few limited reasons.
Walking past the local mosque, I am always happy to see the little W.C. indicating the existence of a public restroom by the side of the prayer room, something necessary for a religion with a religious law to wash hands before prayer. The initials feel like a little piece of cosmopolitanism that makes me feel cosily connected to the broader globe.
I sat down on the ledge outside the milk café situated at the edge of the town center. On the right of me it was raining. On the left it was not, but I could see the storm literally inching its way down the road, and heard it dropping on metal rooftops closer to me every second. A group of men were walking down the road into the rainy section with a gurney on their shoulders, carrying a body that had passed away in the local clinic. Sitting next to me were three students from the local culinary course at the Vocational Training Center (VTC). “When you are sick,” I asked, “Do you go to the local clinic?” The student who answered me spoke English and was a very extroverted, trendy, Kigali-born independent-minded orphan. He answered, “no, no, I go to King Faisal hospital.” He said that he paid his annual 1,000 francs premium for Rwandaise d’Assurance Maladie (RAMA). There he could see a doctor.
Today I walked into another milk café and tried to use a new phrase in kinyarwanda that did not go so well – I asked a man sitting down with his tea if I was saying it correctly, and he answered that he was not Rwandan, but Congolese. He was a nurse working at the local clinic. There are eleven nurses and no doctor, he told me, and he was the only non-Rwandan. In his early twenties, he was born and raised in Bukavu and studied in Goma, and was going to be in Rwanda to save up money before returning to Congo.
There are a number of students in Rubona who come from the cities of Rwamagana or Kigali to study in the local VTC which is one of the cheaper ones in Rwanda. I met a group of three hanging out outside a drink and snack bar – the ones I call “milk cafes.” They could not afford to pay Rubona VTC boarding school fees of 60,000 francs a semester and so pay 25,000 instead, working during holidays in their respective home cities and pooling their income for food, rent and electricity, along with two other students, for a total of five who share one long mattress in a small room behind the milk café I was sitting in front of. “We live in the ghetto,” Mark told me, borrowing the phrase he hears in rap and hip-hop.
When the rain subsided the culinary students invited me for lunch in their home. They had Ugali. Ugali, I had always assumed until that day, always had the taste and starchy consistency of shredded paper and Elmer’s glue. I was shocked and happy to taste delicious, moist, light and flavorful Ugali that I dipped into a rich, creamy, tomato and bean sauce. Unlike the mass-prepared Ugali of the school – rarely served because it just isn’t as good as rice – this ugali did not stick to the roof of my mouth for hours or sit at the bottom of my stomach for days. It could almost be served at a fine restaurant. Their living room/dining room was a dark barren square with a light-bulb at the top and a socket for charging cell phones. They had a very small short bench the width of a balance beam which me and Isaac, another student, sat on, while the others sat on the floor opposite us. We all washed our hands in a basin and, using our hands, picked up a clump of ugali from the communal plait and dipped into the other communal soup bowl.
Isaac says thing like “yalla!” and understands “achla!” because his father, from Sudan, was Arab, though his mother was a Rwandan who grew up in Tanzania. Isaac himself lived in Tanzania after his father died, moving in with his mother’s family for three years in primary school, so he speaks Swahili as well. He also must know some French, as that is the language of instruction for the culinary school, though the other subjects at the VTC of masonry and tailoring are taught in English, because apparently the English can build things and sew things, but they can’t really cook things. Isaac also writes rap songs – or is it hip-hop? They always get frustrated with me when I can’t tell the difference. He and Mark both like to write songs, which mix Kinyarwanda and English. Below are the translations of both songs – the Kinyarwanda versions were written in slightly illegible handwriting, so I will put off publishing them until I get the words right:
“The Pain and the Tears”
By Abumugabo Mark
The pain and the tears
Inside his heart
There is no one who comes
To listen to him about his problems
There is no one who comes
To help him.
[repeat twice]
Verse I:
This is the first boy n***a
In four of my hustlers
In that game N***a
They continue
That gangsta they grow up
In good conditions
His parents love him well
One day his mother and business and father
The bad story on TV
The accident about his family in the car
The bad story over the phone
They took them to the cemetery.
[repeat chorus once]
Verse II:
Because of his problems
He goes to boarding school [because he has no home]
The headmaster asks him
Where are the school fees?
The gangsta says
That there are no school fees
The headmaster said
Because of this problem I took
My problem and left the school
When I reached home my house was already
Yeah it’s a bad life men
[repeat chorus.]
This song includes a lot of venting about problems that keep coming up in conversations with 19-year-olds, who are often orphans: not being able to pay school fees or having a house.
By Isaac
Chorus: Diane you’re my love
I need you
You left me
Come back
I love you forever.
Verse I:
Diane when you left me on
Sunday at 5 May
At 5:00 o’clock
You caught the bus
I came to search for you in
Rwamagana at the
Guest house
You are with another guy
On the bed
The guy with the air force [my comment: this is a trendy kind of shoe that shows you have money]
When you look at my eyes you said
You are welcome in the house.
You began to talk to me
You said that I’m a poor man
You are a very, very poor man
You have no cash
I have other guys who want me
And thus the first verse ends, on a slightly sad note. There is apparently a second verse, though he did not have patience to write it out in one sitting.
There is almost as much to write about food as there is about shoes and clothes, so look out for the next installment about culinary arts.